There are many methods of customer service these days: phone calls, online chats, texting and email. Despite having many options, customers overwhelmingly continue to choose the phone over every other customer service channel. In fact, research by Salesforce shows 61% of customers still prefer making a good old fashioned phone call to have their questions answered and issues solved. So why doesn’t every company prioritize its telephone system accordingly?

Investing in an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system will help you meet your customers’ expectations and increase customer loyalty that comes along with a great customer experience. While your business will benefit in many ways, here are the top three ways you’ll benefit.

1. Improve Your Customer Experience and Retention

By far the biggest advantage of using voice recognition in an IVR system is the ability to deliver an enhanced caller experience. When callers have to navigate a maze of options, or listen to a directory of 25 names, callers quickly get frustrated.
Using voice recognition helps streamline your phone system. This ends the use of old directory systems and allows your callers to simply say the name of the person they want to reach, and then they’re routed to the person to whom they’d like to speak.

2. Become More Efficient

When using an IVR system with voice recognition, it will help your company increase its response times. This means your callers are routed to the right person or department in the shortest time possible. In turn, you can handle more calls in any given timeframe, and with far greater consistency.

3. Differentiate Your Brand

Receiving consistent and expedient support helps improve your brand perception and portray you as a company that deeply cares about its customers. Getting customer service right significantly contributes to the bottom line. A survey published by Forbes reveals that 7 out of 10 buyers in the United States spend more with businesses who offer excellent support services.

When your callers are quickly connected to a person who knows about them and understands their needs, voice recognition and IVR can serve as a bridge to quickly connect customers with the experience they want and the information they need.

Contact a VoxSun representative today to explore a cloud-based business phone system with IVR and voice recognition features. Give your business—and bottom line—a boost.
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